Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

In honor of the newest Pirates moving coming out on Friday, I had to show my enthusiasm so I wore my red skull scarf all day and too the movie, thank you Meghann Will!  Well I thought the 4th installment of Pirates of the Caribbean was AWESOME and included all the essentials: adventure, sword fights, action, a love interest, returning characters from the previous movies, and of course Captain Jack Sparrow!  Johnny Depp just does an amazing job (Captain Jack Sparrow is one of my favorite rolls Johnny Depp has ever played) and has great chemistry with Penelope Cruz whose character Angelica is a former love of Johnny Depp.  Angelica, Capt. Jack and a few other familiar faces take journey to seek out "The Fountain of Youth."

Lots of adventure along the way of course with some new characters, they introduce mermaids, a bible thumper as they call him, a father daughter duo, and a familiar face switches sides.  I have to tell you when I heard there were mermaids I was really excited thinking in relation to Ariel in The Little Mermaid, but these are not your typical mermaids, I will leave it at that just expect the unexpected!

I really enjoyed the story.  It was well done, they do incorporate past characters but if you haven't seen any of the other movies you could still go see this movie and enjoy it without thinking "I guess I should have seen the others first cause I don't know what is going on."  I think there will for sure be a fifth and I don't want to give anything away so just go see it!

Rated PG-13

-Lots of action
-Sword Fights: people do get stabbed but Disney does a good job of moving the camera before you actually see anything gory but you know what happened
-Some frightening events where they catch you off guard, made me jump
-No nudity, but the mermaids long hair is what covers their chest

Overall Disney did the best they could to keep it family friendly, depending on what your children typically watch maybe leave the younger ones at home.  You can watch the trailer below and it gives you an idea of what the movie entails!

Side Note: Stay through the credits their is a little teaser after the credits!

1 comment:

  1. I was waiting for your review before I went to see this movie. I’m not a fan of movies that “nuke the fridge” but this one sounds fun. By the way, I really wish you would have mentioned the amazing scarf you wore to the flick... That's a very crucial detail you omitted.
