Monday, May 30, 2011


Well I must say that people really built this movies up for me, I was told "My face hurt I laughed so hard" and I even heard "funnier than The Hangover."  So I was intrigued, it instantly turned into a must see for me.  I am a big fan of Kristen Wiig on SNL so I went in with really high hopes and expectations only to be let down.  I think people really built this movie up in my mind like it was a ridiculously funny comedy, when in reality it was a romantic comedy that was a bit sad.  I think if I new nothing about the movie and went in with a clean slate I would have been more impressed.

Overall it was a good movie and had some funny parts and a cute story about how crazy weddings can be but turned out to be a let down for me.

Rated R

-Use the "F" word a lot
-Sex scenes, but no nudity
-Barf, I am personally not a fan so I like to pre-warn others who aren't big fans

*Side note:  I noticed there are at least four parts in the trailer below that aren't even in the movie....


  1. To be honest, I’m not all that surprised. I’m not a big fan of movies where women act like the most foul of men…which is what I figured this movie would be (to clear my name as a sexist, I also don't like it when men act that way either). It's a bummer though because I really do like Kristen Wiig. Her delivery is impeccable and reserved for the highest rung of comedian.

  2. Gotta disagree on this. I thought this movie was high-larious and WAY funnier than The Hangover (which I thought was over-rated, and turned out to be pretty stupid). On top of that, my BF thought it was really funny and even repeats lines from it, which says something, 'cause he's not into romcoms.
